Sunday, January 10, 2010

Wikipedia Ed Ziti Where Can I Find More Out About Government Cheese Besides Wikipedia?

Where can I find more out about government cheese besides wikipedia? - wikipedia ed ziti

This song / Op Ed was written by the unity of the left press.


Mike W said...

You seem to be a friend and imaginative resources. They are a way to learn more about government cheese to find without too much difficulty.

whirling W dervish said... ...

Global warming ain't cool said...

Government Cheese

A hard mass, a unit of Orange-yellow processed cheese-based USDA 'by' DA GUBMENT U.S. government issued "to help needy families by supplementing the diet resources. Used for bread, cheese and macaroni and cheese won, but also severe constipation, intestinal obstruction, Silent But Deadly malodorous gases and / or "runs" diarrhea in those who are lactose intolerant.

I have just a government cheese, but I will not cheese sandwich cause he gave me the last time I ate running.

JimSock said...

Government cheese to 29, 6

Government cheese is a blend of cheeses delivered to needy families in the United States during the Reagan administration. Many different mixtures of cheese used in its manufacture, but today would be comparable Colby cheese.

I wish we could still some government cheese

Government cheese without cheese is produced for the suspects as unemployed.

Usually grade rating "B" or "C" by the USDA and therefore unsuitable for sale. It is made of milk will be passed shortly and the result is very heavy, funky cheese color completely natural.

- Frank D'ya know?

- No, what?

- He was in the line of attack Friday, the government cheese!

Zardoz said...

I could not find an answer, but you must have one to get these T-shirts!:

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